Membership and Donations
You can become a member, renew your membership, and donate online:
Step 1 - Renew your membership or become a first time member - $35
Our annual fee to become a member or to renew your membership is $35. Your membership fee covers costs to keep our trail system updated, for tree and shrub planting, etc. If you only wish to donate you may skip to step 2.
Step 2 - Add a donation
Thank you for considering a donation! Select from the donation amounts below. Any amount helps us to keep our Hill clean.
Step 3 - View your Paypal cart and checkout
If online payments aren't your thing you can send us a check:
Hollywood Hill Association
P.O. Box 404
Woodinville, WA 98072
Attn: Treasurer
Please include your name and address with your payment.
Where your money goes
We understand how important donation and dues transparency is. Here is a breakdown of where our member dues and donations went in 2020: